To get started with MX API there are a few essential steps that will need to be completed:
1) As our MX and API services are only available to registered merchants of Priority Payment Systems, the first step necessary is to become a registered merchant with us.
2) Once registered, please visit to create a test account for testing the functionality of our API with.
3) Each call made to the API will contain essentially a username and password known as a "Consumer key" and "Consumer Secret". Your consumer key will be the username you entered on our test site and your consumer secret will be the base64 encoded, sha1 hashed equivalent of your password.
The response to your call will return an 'oauth_token' and an 'oauth_token_secret', which be used in the following call.
5) You next call will be made to Similarly to the last call, the response will contain another 'oauth_token' and 'oauth_token_secret'. This token and token secret will be used for all subsequent calls to the API. Currently there is no time limit on the use of a token.
To provide more reliable security, we use a widely-accepted authentication standard named OAuth. All API calls must adhere to OAuth version 1.0a (RFC 5849) standards which can be read about in more depth at
When you are comfortable transacting with the test API and test site and decide to utilize this in a production environment, you will be given access to the production site and API.
Have Fun! We hope to hear from you!
Message edited by Sean O. 12 years ago
Sean O.
12 years ago
Hey this article was really awesome, helpful, amazing and perfectly worded. Thanks!
Sean O.
12 years ago
We love to hear comments like this, Thank you as well!
1) As our MX and API services are only available to registered merchants of Priority Payment Systems, the first step necessary is to become a registered merchant with us.
2) Once registered, please visit to create a test account for testing the functionality of our API with.
3) Each call made to the API will contain essentially a username and password known as a "Consumer key" and "Consumer Secret". Your consumer key will be the username you entered on our test site and your consumer secret will be the base64 encoded, sha1 hashed equivalent of your password.
4) All API calls will be submitted to We will be implementing a three-legged OAuth workflow. To obtain your request token your first call will be made to
The response to your call will return an 'oauth_token' and an 'oauth_token_secret', which be used in the following call.
5) You next call will be made to Similarly to the last call, the response will contain another 'oauth_token' and 'oauth_token_secret'. This token and token secret will be used for all subsequent calls to the API. Currently there is no time limit on the use of a token.
To provide more reliable security, we use a widely-accepted authentication standard named OAuth. All API calls must adhere to OAuth version 1.0a (RFC 5849) standards which can be read about in more depth at
When you are comfortable transacting with the test API and test site and decide to utilize this in a production environment, you will be given access to the production site and API.
Have Fun! We hope to hear from you!
Message edited by Sean O. 12 years ago
Sean O. – 12 years ago
Hey this article was really awesome, helpful, amazing and perfectly worded. Thanks!
Sean O. – 12 years ago
We love to hear comments like this, Thank you as well!